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The Development Institute (The DI) holds strategic engagement with Certified ToP facilitator, Heidi Kolbe.

In an effort to promote the Technology of Participation (ToP) methodology in Africa continent, The Development Institute (The DI), a member of The Institute of Cultural Affairs-International (ICA-I) held a 2-day strategic engagement in March with Heidi Kolbe, a Certified ToP facilitator and representative from the Institute of Cultural Affairs, United States of America (ICA-USA) in Accra. The ToP facilitation…


THE ISSUE AND ITS CONTEXT. In accordance with national legislation (L1 16-59, 1999 on wetlands), the Anlo-Keta Lagoon Complex Ramsar site (AKLCRS) was identified on August 14, 1992 and was gazetted on August 19, 1999 in compliance with the Ramsar convention. The communities of the AKLCRS own the lands and the protection of habitats and species is advised by government…

Upscaling Mangrove Restoration for Coastal Hazard Reduction in a Deltaic Environment: Prioritizing Restoration Efforts for Nature-based Solutions in the Volta Delta

Project title: Upscaling Mangrove Restoration for Coastal Hazard Reduction in a Deltaic Environment: Prioritizing Restoration Efforts for Nature-based Solutions in the Volta Delta. Potential pilot site: Toku, Obane, Anyanyui creek, Bomigo & Agbatsivi (within Songor and Anlo-Keta Lagoon Complexes) Implementing Partners:  : Prof. Kwasi Appeaning Addo (UG), Selasi Avornyo (UG), Ken Kinney, ED. (The DI), Prof. Abiy S. Kebede (BUL), Prof….

Securing Gender Rights for Environmental Justice

Project Code: LA-WGO2 Project Title: Securing Gender Rights for Environmental Justice Overview of Project: Social and environmental factors including climate change are increasing gender inequalities and causing women to lose access to resources; limiting their rights to water, food security or a clean, healthy or safe environment. Women at the grassroots level play very important roles in conservation and environmental…

Women2030 – building women capacity for change

Project Code: LA-WG01 Project Title: Women2030 – building women capacity for change Overview of Project: Women generally have user rights to resources. Despite these rights their access to these resources has been reducing over the years due to environmental degradation and unfavourable policies. Although women hold specific indigenous knowledge and skills related to biodiversity including food and water, their role…

Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI)

Project Code: ENVCO2 Project Title: Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) Overview of Project: Unsustainable agricultural practices and unwise use of natural resources have been a persistent cause of degradation and deforestation leading to reduced livelihoods. The increasing and alarming rate of deforestation has huge implications for resilience of natural resources dependent communities as they dwell largely on these resources. Local…

Enhancing Territorial Governance, Sea Turtle Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood

Background The Keta Lagoon Complex Ramsar Site (KLCRS) is located in the Volta Region in the South East of Ghana and covers six District/Municipalities (Keta, Anloga, Akatsi South, South Tongu, Ketu North, Ketu South). The KLCRS is the largest lagoon in Ghana with different ecosystems like brackish water, flood plains, marshland and mangrove swamps and magnificent beaches. The site is…